For many, Advent is a time of waiting and longing. Of remembering what was or what might have been and wishing that it could be that way again. A time of remembering those we have lost. A time when loneliness is strongest. Or perhaps you just find it to be a difficult time of year when the nights are so long and daylight so fleeting.
We’d like to invite you to join us for our Blue Christmas service on 8 Dec 2025 at 6pm.
Blue Christmas is a safe place where it’s okay to not be okay at Christmas. It’s a place to hear songs without the pressure to sing along. It’s a place to hear that despite all appearances, there is actually a reason for real hope. We sincerely believe that Jesus Christ offers us the best reason to have hope and Blue Christmas is an opportunity to hear about him.
We will provide childcare with PVG-compliant helpers and there will be refreshments after.
Bringing someone to the service
Perhaps you know someone who is going through a hard time and have been looking for a way to introduce them to Jesus. The best way you can help serve them in their grief is not by inviting them to the service to attend on their own, but by bringing them with you so that you can sit with them. By doing this, you are able to demonstrate Christ’s love for those who are hurting, just as Jesus did during his life and ministry (John 11:35).
Publicise the service
You can also make use of your social media feeds to tell people about this service. Share the picture below, or take some flyers to hand out to your neighbours.