Hi everyone,
As this post goes live, Christmas is only 34 days away! Here is just a short post with our plans for the season.
Advent Sermon Series

Every year, people celebrate the birth of a Jewish boy born in a small town 2000 years ago. They sing songs about him and give gifts because of his birth, and yet they do not know him. What we gladly proclaim is that the one we celebrate, the one who was born, is one who can actually be known and known with certainty. It feels like we live in a time when nothing is particularly certain. The world might seem chaotic but we can find real hope and steady ground if we look to the God who is steady and unchanging.
To help us (and anyone you might want to bring along to church one week) gain this certainty, we will be turning to the opening chapters of Luke’s Gospel. Luke was a first-century physician who undertook an investigative journalism project in order to give an orderly account of Jesus of Nazareth.
Please join us each week as we learn of the events leading up to his birth and how that makes salvation possible for all who would trust in Jesus.
Special Services

To help you in planning for Advent, we are keeping extra things quite simple so that the coming season can be enjoyed. We’ll be holding our annual Blue Christmas service and have thankfully got a full team signed up to help serve those who are struggling during this time of year.
We will also have our Christmas Eve carol service, this time at 6pm and a very brief Christmas Day service at 11am.
I look forward to seeing you over the coming weeks as we celebrate the birth of our Saviour together.
Pastor Dan