Blue Christmas

Advent is a time of waiting and longing. Of remembering what was or what might have been and wishing that it could be that way again. A time of remembering those we have lost. A time when loneliness is strongest. Or perhaps you just find it to be a difficult time of year when the nights are so long and daylight so fleeting.

Back to school

Summer is already coming to an end. As good as it is to have a season which is slowed down, it will be good to get back to church life as we normally have it. Here’s what we have coming up: Events Christianity Explored We are hoping to run Christianity Explored for 7 weeks starting […]

Christianity Explored

What’s the best news you’ve ever heard? As a church, we sincerely believe that the Bible’s claims about Jesus are true and really are the best news ever. If you’ve ever wondered what this Christianity thing is all about, we’d love to share with you. Starting on Thursday, 14 September at 7pm and running for […]


This autumn, we’ll be doing the Christianity Explored course. This is a really good way to invite people who have questions about Christianity and want a place where they can go for answers. To help us prepare, one of the things we’d like to do is find out where you’re at right now with telling […]

Can we trust the Bible?

One thing that came up during the sermon on Sunday was that as an evangelical church, we are people of the Book. Which is to say, we believe that the Bible is the very Word of God and so it has authority over our lives. Looking ahead to the next Lord’s Day, we will be […]

Church Finances 2022

Money is never fun to talk about, but with God, our finances can do great things. Ordinarily, this would be covered in an AGM but time has not allowed for us to hold our normal April meeting. Attached and linked here is the church’s financial report for the year 2022. What we would especially like […]

New series – 2 Timothy!

Now that we’ve worked our way through Mark’s gospel, you may be wondering what to do with what you now know. Perhaps you have a better understanding of the gospel but aren’t sure how it will apply to every day life or to life in God’s church. To help us find out, we’re starting a […]

Let’s read together during Holy Week!

Sunday marks Palm Sunday. We’ll be spending our time in the Bible looking at Mark 15. It also marks the beginning of what has traditionally been called Holy Week, the week leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. We’d love it if you would join with us in completing a Bible reading plan set up […]

Rooted launch party

We’re excited to finally be starting Rooted, our youth work here at Ardgowan Square for those in S1 and up. It’s happening on Sunday, 26 March at 6:30pm. We’ll be starting with fun, games and food (along with an Easter Quiz and a big prize). To help us get a sense of numbers for catering, […]

Rejoice – New Song Sunday

As we get ready to worship this Lord’s Day (19 March 2023), we are introducing a new song. But Jesus had said more than once that going to Jerusalem was going to his death. He knew what was coming but he did not shrink back from the task. He knew that the cross would look […]