AGM 2024

Hi all, We are going to be holding our AGM on Tuesday, 23 July at 7:30pm. This will be a time spent looking back at the previous year as well as looking ahead to what is coming up for Ardgowan Square. A significant point of discussion during the meeting will be holding a vote on […]

June 2024 Events

As I write this, the sun is shining bright outside and there is much to be excited about in June as summer quickly approaches. Evangelism opportunities By far, the best evangelistic resource we have is our weekly gathering as a church. When we gather as a church each week, we are stating publicly that Jesus […]

Ardgowan Evenings

There is a lot of chat right now about how to define hate. 1 April brought Scotland’s new Hate Crime Bill into law. The police have been flooded with messages of people reporting hate crimes. Billboards are in place urging people to do just that. There’s also been a lot of word said about misinformation, […]

Join us on WhatsApp!

We’ve set up a community on WhatsApp, which is a great way of finding out what’s on at church and getting last minute updates as well. In the coming weeks we will also be adding various groups for ministries at the church so be on the look out for those!

February Events

We’ve got a number of things happening this month. As always, the church calendar is regularly updated and can be viewed here.

December Events

December is a busy month for so many. To help, we try not to run too many things and instead focus on helping people do what matters most, learning about Jesus. That said, we do have some upcoming events that are a great opportunity to invite people to. We will be holding a Christmas Eve […]

What is a hope worth having?

During the holidays, there’s a lot of talk about hope. John Lennon famously sang of his dream for a world without war. Last year, King Charles spoke of light coming into the world. We hope for so much, but so often, our hopes are left unmet. We, like Morrissey, can say “I was looking for […]

Blue Christmas

Advent is a time of waiting and longing. Of remembering what was or what might have been and wishing that it could be that way again. A time of remembering those we have lost. A time when loneliness is strongest. Or perhaps you just find it to be a difficult time of year when the nights are so long and daylight so fleeting.

Back to school

Summer is already coming to an end. As good as it is to have a season which is slowed down, it will be good to get back to church life as we normally have it. Here’s what we have coming up: Events Christianity Explored We are hoping to run Christianity Explored for 7 weeks starting […]