Our Sunday morning service starts at 11am and usually runs for around 90 minutes. We meet at 25 Ardgowan Square, near the tennis courts.
What to expect
Every week we get together to sing songs, learn about Jesus and the Bible.

The last Sunday of the month is All Together Sunday, a special service where we all learn about Jesus together (including the kids)! Read more about it here.
When you arrive, someone will welcome you at the door and will show you where to go.
We then sing a couple of songs with lyrics projected on screens. We include a slot for kids before they go off to their group with a teacher and helper.
During our time of singing, we also have a time when we take Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper. This is a time for Christians to remember what Jesus did for his people (Luke 22:14-20; Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26).
After the kids go, one of the leaders, usually the pastor, will have a Bible talk about Jesus which usually lasts 25-30 minutes.
We close out by singing again in response to what we’ve learned before hanging out over tea, coffee and cake.
Find out more
We try to keep things casual and relaxed. If you have any questions about anything else we do on a Sunday, do get in touch.